Factory Tour

Welcome to the Hammond Typewriter Company, maker of the finest type writing machine in the world, for all nations and tongues. Our factory and main offices are located between 69th and 70th Streets, along the beautiful East River of Manhattan. Join us on a tour of our factory.

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Seized Anvil

The Anvil is a fundamental part of almost every Hammond ever made. Over the course of one hundred years the anvil can become seized inside the machine. Unfortunately they often look like this… Removing the Anvil This is one of the most dangerous repairs of a Hammond because you will need to apply pressure and […]

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I have added a page on common issues and repairs. This will be updated as time permits. The Hammond company produced a repair manual for their sales offices. While the original is extremely rare, The AntikeyChop sells a really nice reproduction which can be found here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/155276281985

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Typewriter Tools

I am cleaning and mostly restoring a Hammond multiplex that will be on eBay later this summer. For this I am using a wonderful toolset from the Chapman Manufacturing company of Duram, Connecticut. This is not a paid endorsement or anything, I just really love their product. If you’re looking for tools to work on […]

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Making an Impression

A key feature of the Hammond typewriter is that it strives to provide the same visual impression for each character. It accomplished this through a spring-action mechanism that got its energy from a mainspring, not the fingers of the typist. In modern, non-electric typewriters the impression of the character is dependent upon the physical force […]

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